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Letter to Recent High School Graduates

By: Dallas Admissions Intern It’s June 6th. Many of you guys have already graduated high school, and the rest of you are waiting anxiously for the final day of graduation which remarks the end of twelve years of schooling. I know that everyone is going through different emotions right now, and I just want to tell you guys a bit about my experience and thoughts preparing for my freshman year of college.   As I […]

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When to Apply to College: Your College Prep Timeline!

For many students and parents, applying to college is a scary prospect. In my years of experience, best antidote to college application anxiety is preparation. The earlier students begin, the better options they have when it’s time to make that final college decision at the end of their senior year. So let’s look at a comprehensive guide to when to apply to college. To help you with the process, we’ve created a step by step

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How “Personal Branding” can help you apply to college.

First step to education in the digital world we live in today: Personal Branding. To successfully apply to college, you should know who you are, what you stand for and what your academic goals are. Each person is complex, yet admissions officers only have a small amount of time to spend learning about each prospective student. The smart student boils down key aspects of himself or herself into their personal “brand” and sells that to

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The Multiple Track Mind – How to Stay Focused on Critical Reading Exams.

Here’s another blog post I did for Victory Step a while back, on the topic of practicing a Multiple Track Mind. I was recently driving to teach a class at Victory Step when I realized something unsettling. I was cruising along the tollway at seventy miles an hour, winding around tight curves, squished in the middle lane between a Porsche, a Subaru and a Toyota, when it hit me: I realized I hadn’t been paying

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My Perspective as a Tutor

Here’s a little blog I wrote for the test prep company I work for, a tutor at Victory Test Prep in Dallas. It talks about, what else, my perspective as a tutor. My Perspective as a Tutor By Leo Watts If you turn on the news today, all you see about education in the United States is turmoil, inefficiency, and chaos. Many 24 hour news stations would have you believe that indeed, tomorrow, high schools

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